And to be perfectly honest with you, it's just so beautifully petite, to house my soil-warming-cable that I've been 'itching' to re-invent into a Wellie's Workshop propagating unit since we moved to The Funny Farm. (Hold me down Children.... Wellie's thinking of getting the tool box out again?!)
Hopefully, towards the end of this year we'll be able to erect Wellie's 'Grown-Up Girls' Greenhouse', the big 16footer. (See Trousers shake his head Children).......
Anyhow. I was asked to make some Cheese Straws for my lovely Mrs. Hyphen-Hyphen's family party the other weekend, in amongst looking after one of her grandchildren for them during the festivities, and I happened to have some of the cheesiness left over. I know.... how unfair is that?, and so I decided to make A Flock of Cheesy Sheeps for Trousers and I to enjoy with a glass of vino....
It's just grown-up savoury Jelly Babies, clearly.... !! X
Trousers and I went to Barbara and Derek's HogRoast today, in aid of Alzheimer Care Trust, and had a FABULOUS time.. The Hog was gorgeously tender and succulent, the rain came down in drizzles, then persist, persisted, pissed it down,..... rather a lot actually, and I thought fondly then of our best friends, who I just adore, with knobs on, who we shared time with at that same 'doo' this time last year, where we got 'completely pissed on' from the heavens above at a local fete the day before, where Trousers and Himself won a Coconut each in the Coconut Shire Wotsit, and we drowned ourselves in the beer tent to keep dry.... Rarely does one larf quite so much in one day my friends.
Today we met some ever so lovely new people, and this particular lovely fluffy little darling I met last week, in a quiet moment, and so I was able to introduce her to Trousers today, having been nibbling my ear......
The Baby Duckling ..... not Trousers.... and don't I tell you every week not to make your own story up kids?!X 
I was kindly asked after our local Village Produce Show the other weekend whether I would be willing to take on the role of actually organising/running The Show in the future (on account of the present lady retiring this year). I was, quite frankly, stunned and amazed to be asked, having only entered their show for the very first time this year. And actually, I'd love to.... but I have yet to establish whether they're just 'desperate', or if it's Me that they want, and to be honest, it does depend on how much 'new blood' they are willing to allow to creep in amongst their comfy slipper brigade, because I am a firm believer in a kind of 'reinvention' on a modern take on The Local Village Show, so that it's more fun and accessible to ALL local people, and obviously, if, they are not 'prepared for that' (as the Prime Minister said so beautifully in the film LOVE ACTUALLY), then, sadly, I will not be able to help them out at all.
For the HogRoast, I'd filled a trug with Wellie's Kitchen Garden Produce as a Raffle Prize, which DID go down extremely well with the lady that won it.
To support this good cause, we bought 12 raffle tickets, and I did have to make the joke along the way in amongst the raindrops, that I was THIS knee deep in Vegetables, that I wouldn't want to win 'the trug of vegetables' at all. I think the irony was a little lost on the raffle ticket seller somehow, but we did end up winning a box of glass-encased Christmas Puddings, which Trousers reliably informs me, are Candles.
Whoopy Doo for Candles, and an excellent prezzie for your Auntie Margaret or a next door neighbour, if you're not very fond, obviously...
Whoopy Doo for Candles, and an excellent prezzie for your Auntie Margaret or a next door neighbour, if you're not very fond, obviously...
I was kindly asked after our local Village Produce Show the other weekend whether I would be willing to take on the role of actually organising/running The Show in the future (on account of the present lady retiring this year). I was, quite frankly, stunned and amazed to be asked, having only entered their show for the very first time this year. And actually, I'd love to.... but I have yet to establish whether they're just 'desperate', or if it's Me that they want, and to be honest, it does depend on how much 'new blood' they are willing to allow to creep in amongst their comfy slipper brigade, because I am a firm believer in a kind of 'reinvention' on a modern take on The Local Village Show, so that it's more fun and accessible to ALL local people, and obviously, if, they are not 'prepared for that' (as the Prime Minister said so beautifully in the film LOVE ACTUALLY), then, sadly, I will not be able to help them out at all.
Oh, and just before I disappear on you for a day or so (in order to allow Trousers to do his magic on uploading more photographs and stuff)......
I might just completely 'lob this in' from the top of Wellie Towers, that Trousers ONLY went and won 2nd prize with his photo of the snowy front of The Funny Farmhouse in that very Village Show?
"Way to GO Trousers!!" X
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