Sunday, 3 April 2011

April.... So Have to be Completely Potty Now.....

 Okey Dokey.... I've got this Paper Potter device thingy, that with very little skill, but does take an initial 'knack',  allows you to make your own sowing/growing pots, and I know I've talked to you about it before, but it is definitely the mutts nutts, and is this year, for the very first time, making my dream of  'Successional Sowing' an absolute DREAM.....  Largely, because in previous years, I've been faced with endless bare soil, not knowing exactly WOT to sow exactly WHERE, because I'm daunted by the sheer amount of blank canvass, and then of course, you procrastinate, and end up sowing not a jot.  When that happenes, you end up with no crops at all, which is next to useless.

Bear with me:
 "Now those Cauliflowers are looking good.....they've germinated well, and the previously sown ones are ready to be planted into the ground now with their roots beginning to show better get some more sown today then Wellie Girl!"..... See what I'm doing here?
Sow some.  Wait a few weeks.  Sow some more.  Wait a few weeks.  Sow some more, etc. etc.

Anyway, enough of teaching your grandmother to suck eggs.  I have a serious project now to address, because with running our local village produce show this year for the first ever time - See Wellie knock knees like Prince William, but not have to go up the aisle?  And therefore, I MUST reinvent my darlilng Flobalob Flowerpot Peeps, because I'm wanting to make the most fantastic poster to bandy around the locality to advertise and get peoples to come visit The Show,........., and I thought that everyone of my own half a century age grew up with Bill'n'Ben' & Weed? and how lovely it would be to kind of  're-invent' that, to spark a twinkle in people of my tender years, and, also to maybe excite/inspire their own Ankle Biters to want to visit a boring old Village Show?
I managed to delegate something the other week, which is hugely unlike me, so I'm personally thrilled with myself for managing that.  And I'd asked my lovely Mate At The Gate (Gina) to liaise with Ann(e), who I met on New Years' Eve to procure new ideas for 'The Childrens' Classes', and I am here to tell you that they have done THE most amazing job.  Not being able to eat a whole child myself, I find myself wanting to enter each and every class that they've devised because I find it so exciting:-

Now, tell me THIS Funny Farm Followers.... how could you possibly NOT want to make an edible necklace out of sweets.  At any time in your life?!  The girls have just done a magic job for the schedule, and I have a huge smiley on my face.  Ann(e) is now going to target the GingGangGoolie Clubs to drum up a bit of business, because largely, the Big Schools tend to be heavily involved in the Big Boys' Heavy Brigade Shows, and I want to keep ours definitely 'Village' ? because there's a Vicar of Dibley in all or us me thinks.X

 I found this little bee in my conservatory this afternoon, almost dead to the world, so the only thing that I know to do is to pick something high in nectar,one of my overwintered wallflowers, and try to introduce it to them.  If he doesn't survive the night, at least he will have died happy.

I've been incredibly busy in The Funny Farm Kitchen Garden today, whilst Trousers has been out with A Chum detecting on the Daddy Gave Me This Land, and there's been A Pony Club Event happening for the last two days, so Wellie has been subjected to Tarquin & Jasper having completed a clear round, to accompany her weeding, and evidently Tamara and Rupert having just jumped superbly..

I've loved you listening, and I hope you've loved reading

Until next time!X.

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