Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Easter Funnies

A Very Merry Easter to Wellie's World of The Potting Shed Monmouth, and Down On The Funny Farm.x.
And Thank You all for being here.

Welcome to my (sometimes) Weekly Sunday Night Blog Updates, when I'm NOT suffering from 'Writers' Block, or Just Baking till the cows come home....?
Because let's face it, Wellie DOES NEVER even stop to let the green grass grow under her feet, or just 'put her feet up' for a 'well-deserved rest'.

I absolutely LOVE Life these days.
And sometimes, I think it's because my customers 'open up to me', telling me their lovely stories, that I can truly identify with them?

My apologies for those late arrivals, because 'writers' block' sounds rather grand and pompous, but totally isn't, and just annoys the hell out of me when it happens, because I'd rather 'bring to the table' something worthy of reading and entertaining you, rather than 'boring the ruddy pants off you' when I've got nothing to say?.
No, honestly, 'You're Welcome?!'.x

Having recently had my beloved Black Cat put to sleep, I'm delighted to say..... a la recent BC pussycat grave.... that her bucket of daffs are in full bloom now...  She's loving it, and so am I.x

And I HAVE to hold my hands up.....and totally admit to having completely lost it, and had 'A Cat Moment' of tears in my Potting Shed Tearoom this Saturday when my Best Friends, Ian & M popped in for Breakfast.
I've ALWAYS been an 'Emotional Bunny' the whole of my life, much to the total annoyance and total embarrassment of my estranged mother.

But just A Hug from Ian, COMPLETELY 'set me off'?
..... and today, with The Lovely Anna.....I very nearly 'had a cat moment too'.x

Customers, customers, customers..........  I truly thought that I'd met 'The Best', until Good Friday, when I bumped into one of them in Monmouth High Street.  And he's Completely Sane Bonkers, so we get on 'Like A House On Fire'....?

Why do folk just adore us?, but they do, and are willing to sit so closely beside us to make us the huge success that they genuinely want us to be.
Truly, I'm speechless with the support and true following that we're getting from these lovely, lovely people.

I've always set out for The Potting Shed to be Doggie-Friendly, and quite by accident, discovered this website called 'Rover Recommends'.  And have been having HUGE fun in the last day or two compiling photos to submit for our 'premium upgraded listing' on the site, which is going to cost me the additional princely sum of £25 for the pleasure.
But in fact, the person that I am, that pleasure is all mine.

And I would happily pay double, because the sheer number of customers now arriving WITH their dogs, even BEFORE we've advertised on Rover Recommends, is testament to what I'm actually saying:  Why should Dogs, and their 'well-behaved owners' NOT be allowed to enjoy the restaurants and gardens, and have to sit outside on a pavement?
I think we're allowed up to 11 photos in total.
'Milly' Cocker Spaniel today was 'a bit spesh' with her Photo Shoot, but you'll have to wait'n'see what that is......x
Just HOW cute is a teacup 11 week old Puppy?....

And too, whilst I used to smoke many moons ago, have chosen to have The Potting Shed Garden as a totally Smoke-Free-Zone, so that you can enjoy your time with us in the garden, with your Cream Tea, with Your Children, or your Puppy-Dog completely fresh as a daisy.

Honestly, we soooo care about The Potting Shed Business, it hurts.x

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