Sunday, 6 March 2011

Doh!.... Plonker...... Plan B then!

So, here we are, down on the funny farm after dark children!  Why?

Trousers went off Metal Detecting with his mate Jim today, and his mate Richard, his mate Pip, and about a hundred other mates, and to be honest with you, even if I did know all of their names, I wouldn't bore you with them?.....leaving Wellie knee-deep in weeds, tantamount to a porker in wotsit to me, provided that  I've got BBC Radio 2 in my ears .  He'd wanted to take the camera with him to photograph his Roman Findings, but I stood my ground, telling him that I needed it to take photos for my Sunday Evening Blog Update, otherwise I'd have mutiny on my hands - isn't that right Boys'n'Girls?   I therefore made the grown-up decision, with him leaving at the crack of Sparrow in the morning, to hide the camera, just to be on the safe side.....!

To cut a long story only marginally shorter, I took some rather meaningful shots today, and Trousers, about an hour ago, was transfering them from camera to computer, unfortunately temporarily losing them in the Bermuda Triangle that connects both of those to his adorable brain.  Did we larf?
No, I'm afraid we didn't, but that's not important right now.....

Call me stupid (how very dare you) but I think he's getting his own revenge.  All is not lost though, as he found them again later after I'd taken these here snaps to give you something to look at this evening, and me to talk about.... hence the mention of a Plan B.

Having agreed to take over organising and the running of our local village produce show, from the very lovely Pat (show organiser for the last 20 years)  I'm really enjoying it, and it has helped rather a lot that I so love to cook, because I'm having a ball researching and experimenting recipes from my favourite books to include on the 'Recipe Provided' classes, to somewhat 'inspire' people to take part.
Gina popped round the other day (doing quality typing of schedules and forms to help me) and quite liked the Citrus Peel & Lavender Scones that I'd invented, but rather pointedly said that they could be bigger.  So I gave her a slice of the straight-out-of-the-oven Pineapple & Lime Drizzle Cake, still warm, hoping that that might lighten her mood .  Trousers though was the one to benefit from the next experimental cake, a Sticky Marzipan & Cherry Loafcake.  Absolutely to die for my friends!

And hopefully tomorrow, or the next day, if we can relocate my original photos again, Trousers will be looking a tad happier across the busy kitchen table at me, no?! 

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